Eden Chai

Eden Chai

Co-Founder & CMO - Flair

Meet Eden

Eden, co-founder & CMO of Flair, started working in the multifamily in 2019 after several years at different MarTech startups. He's passionate about finding smart ways to use technology to get better results without needing more time or money (hence the startup experience). His favorite quote is "'Marketing success should be based on the size of your brain, not your wallet,' and inspired Flair's mission statement "Lease more with less". Outside of the office, you can find Eden ordering Mediterranean take-out for the 3rd time in a row or praying for the Lakers to reach the finals.

Building Blocks

Welcome to Building Blocks, hosted by Eden Chai (co-founder & CMO of Flair) and guests. This podcast is your go to resource for how to embrace marketing & automation to excel in your career. Each episode features in-depth conversations with industry leaders and marketing experts. Tune in to get actionable ways for making an impact and get a seat at the executive table.

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