Are you ready to take on 2025 with purpose and presence? Let’s talk about routines, bold moves, and rediscovering joy. In this episode of the Multifamily Collective, I’m sharing my tried-and-true morning routine to ground myself for the challenges and opportunities of the day: exercise, meditation, and even a cold plunge! These habits aren’t just about health—they’re about fully showing up for yourself, your team, and your community. As we step into 2025, here’s a quick list to inspire you: Do one thing every day that scares you—it’s where growth happens.
Apologize where it’s overdue and lighten your emotional load.
Spend 5-10 minutes daily on that project you’ve shelved for too long.
Call someone and tell them how amazing they are—face-to-face if you can.
Stop caring what others think of you. No one’s watching as much as you imagine.
Do something foolishly fun—jump in that puddle, embrace childlike joy, and live fully! Let’s make this year about presence, boldness, and fun. If this message resonated with you, please like it and subscribe to the Multifamily Collective for more insights on leadership, PropTech, and living a life of purpose. For more engaging content, explore our offerings at the and the Join us to stay informed and inspired in the multifamily industry!